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VSKC History

The table below records the history of the VSKC from its beginnings in 1979. 

Contributions are welcome

If you wish to contribute material, information or corrections to the information on this page please email the VSKC Secretary at


The information in the table was compiled in 2022, and is drawn from past Sea Treks, club newsletters and AGM minutes and presentations. The issues of Sea Trek relied upon for information are listed for each year. Committee positions are entered into the year in which the member occupied that role after being elected at the AGM in November the previous year.






 Steve Weston

Earle Bloomfield







  • Workshop at Wilsons Prom – attended by Laurie Ford, who paddled across from Tasmania.
  • Flinders Island trip – Peter Newman, Andrew Rust (Tasmania), Earle Bloomfield, Steve Weston, Steve Tremont (NSW)





 1987 Graham A Albrey - President    
 1988 Larry Gray - President
Earle Bloomfield – Vice President
Sally Barton – Secretary and Treasurer
  • Larry Gray - Technical Officer
  • Frank Bakker - Coastal Advisor
  • Colin Addison - VACA Liaison Officer
Sea Trek Editor – Chris Sewell
John Hyndman – Trips and Technical Advisor


Held at Mallacoota. 23 attendees


34 members (12 from Mallacoota)


  • Jan – First edition of Sea Trek (newsletter) – Earle paid for the artwork and printing of the front cover (the seagull emblem)
  • VACA awarded Olegas Truchanas Canoeing award to Earle Bloomfield for the Australian Kayak Expedition to Greenland.
  • Development of Larry Gray’s Pittarak
  • Sea kayaking workshop at Wilson’s Prom at Tidal River organised by Malcolm and Sue Cowell

Sea Trek issues

1988 April newsletter – 2nd edition (numbered as Sea Trek 2)

1988 July newsletter (numbered as Sea Trek 3)


Larry Gray - President

Frank Bakker - Vice President *

Earl Bloomfield - Vice President*

Sally Barton – Secretary and Treasurer

* Two VPs were appointed this year.

Larry Gray - Technical Officer

Frank Bakker - Coastal Advisor


Held at Port Welshpool

  • “The Welshpool centre is sure to be the focus of all kinds of exciting club activities in the future. A mere two hours comfortable drive for Melbourne and within spitting distance of some of the best kayaking waters in the state, this new venue opens up a whole range of possibilities’’.


  • 10th Year of the VSKC
  • Larry Gray planned trip to PNG has been expanded to become Part 1 of a 6-part documentary series ranging from PNG, Micronesia, the Andaman & Nicobar Islands off Burma, Galapagos Islands, Greenland and Venezuela.
  • The club has put together a publicity flyer to promote the role of the club in Sea Kayaking.
  • VSKC becomes an Incorporated Club.


1989 November (numbered as Sea Trek 6)


Malcolm Cowell - President

Frank Bakker - Vice President

Earl (VP as well?)

Sally Barton - Secretary and Treasurer

Malcolm Cowell - Coastal Advisor

Earle Bloomfield - Technical Advisor

John Hyndman - Public Officer


Held at Lakes Entrance


March instructor weekend was a Club milestone with 6 new instructors qualifying as Sea Kayak instructors.


Frank Bakker – President

Colin Addison - Vice President

John Hyndman - Secretary and Treasurer

Malcolm Cowell - Coastal Advisor

John Stomps - Technical Advisor


Held at Gunnamatta.  9/11/1991 22 members attended.


  • Plans for the year include – Basic Skills and Rolling Day on the Bay in February
  • New members – Peter Newman re-joined
  • April 1991 – First newsletter (No. 12) to be called Sea Trek
  • Earle Bloomfield awarded Life Membership for founder of the VSKC and for his past efforts.


1991 January (numbered as Sea Trek 11)

1991 October (numbered as Sea Trek 14)


Colin Addison - President

John Stomps - Vice President

John Hyndman - Secretary and Treasurer

Graham Wilson - Keeper of charts

John Stomps - Technical Advisor

Laurie Atkins - VACA Delegate

John Hyndman - Sea Trek Editor


66 members


  • Ricketts Point skills day
  • Proficiency weekend at Gunnamatta
  • Rolling sessions booked at the Heidelberg pool
  • A new piece of equipment (strobe light) is very useful.
  • The rolling course at the Heidelberg Pool was a great success
  • Easter around the Prom report by John Stomps

Sea Trek

1992 February

1992 Issue 18

1992 May


John Basemore – President

Keith Mitchener – Vice President

John Stomps – Secretary and Treasurer

Technical Advisor – Doug Silke

Coastal Advisor – Graham Wilson

Public Officer – John Hyndman


85 members


Held at Queenscliff


  • More rolling nights booked at the Heidelberg Pool
  • Tasman Peninsula (Tasmania) Trip – Easter 1993 (in conjunction with Tasmanian Sea Canoeing Club) by Rod Cope and three other VSKC members (John Hyndman, Peter Dingle & Angus Walker
  • The club has no insurance – so all trips will be an informal association of members and not an officially organised event.  No insurance is because VACA cover specifically excludes sea kayaking)
  • Peter Dingle wrote a letter to VSKC Secretary after the AGM day paddle expressing concerns about the number of paddlers and recommending new measures to protect the leaders, participants and the club itself. 

Sea Trek

1993 Issue 19

1993 Issue 20


Ray Musgrave – President

Keith Mitchener – Vice President

Rod Cope – Treasurer and Public Officer

Karen Thornton - Secretary

Chris Sewell - Sea Trek Editor
John Hyndman – Trips and Technical Advisor


  • President’s Report – the club is becoming more professional. Need for a grading system of some kind
  • Discussion of the need for Pod cohesion
  • A proposed trip by the ADF to retrace the path of operation Rimau.

Sea Trek issues

  • Sea Trek (Feb 1994)
  • Sea Trek (May 1994)
  • Sea Trek (Aug 1994)
  • Sea Trek (Nov 1994)


Ray Musgrave - President and Secretary

Vice President - Mike Cromie

Rod Cope – Treasurer and Public Officer

John Stomps - Equipment Officer

Laurie Atkins - Touring Committee rep

John Basemore - Touring Committee rep

Ray Musgrave - VCA rep

John Basemore - VCA rep


Held at Queenscliff


Insurance policy for committee approved trips

Sea Trek

1995 Issue 21






Julian Smith - President

Peter Provis - Vice President

Bill Robinson – Secretary and Treasurer

Ray Musgrave – Trips and Technical Advisor

Tina Rowley - Sea Trek Editor


Held at Phillip Island

Guest speakers at 2000 AGM – Earle Bloomfield and Larry Gray

Over 70 people attended


150 members


  • Sea Proficiency Award – both introduction and assessment offered at AGM
  • Code of Practice published. ‘It is a series of guidelines that state how members of the VSKC should act when participating in all facets of our sport. It is also intended to demonstrate that we are responsible members of their community and are fully aware of the risks we undertake, and illustrates that we have a code of practise to hopefully cover these situations.’
  • VSKC is incorporated
  • Preparation of the new Club waiver. This brings the club into line with the policies of similar clubs within Australia and overseas.
  • Mention of regular Canadian Bay paddles and using these paddles to practise skills, catering to new members – led by Bill Robinson
  • Earle Bloomfield moved that the concept of an information-based website for the club be investigated by the committee’ at 2000 AGM.
  • Rolling nights at the Aquatic centre in Frankston. Organised by Julian Smith
  • Articles by Peter Treby discussing personal injury litigation and sea kayaking. Discusses need for practical safety measures and insurance coverage against claims by both club members and third parties. Discusses increase to club subscriptions to pay for insurance.

Sea Trek

2000 Issue 37

2000 Issue 40

2000 Issue 38

2000 Issue 39

2000 Issue 40


Julian Smith - President

Peter Provis - Vice President

Bill Robinson - Secretary and Treasurer and Public Officer

Ray Musgrave - Trips and Technical Advisor

Tina Rowley – Sea Trek Editor


Held at Phillip Island

Discussion at AGM regarding creating a website.

Sea Trek

Newsletter Summer 2001/2002 (Numbered as Sea Trek 43-2)


Julian Smith - President

Peter Provis - Vice President

Bill Robinson - Secretary and Treasurer

Peter Costello - Trips and Technical Advisor and Properties Officer

Tina Rowley – Sea Trek Editor


Held at Phillip Island


  • Mention of insurance premiums increasing
  • Committee approval of the concept of an inhouse VSKC Sea proficiency award, which would enable members to be able to reach the standard required for some trips.

Sea Trek

Newsletter Summer/Autumn 2002 (numbered as Sea Trek 44-1)

Newsletter Autumn/Winter 2002 (numbered as Sea Trek 44-5)


Peter Provis - President

Peter Treby - Vice President

Mark Heggie – Secretary and Treasurer

Julian Smith - Club Trip Officer and Technical Advisor
Roger Ingram – Sea Trek Editor -
Peter Costello - Website Officer


Held at Cowes in 2003


  • ‘Peter Costello wrestled, coerced and organised into existence our fabulous new website’  
  • Members complete Sea Proficiency and are now proficient to VSKC standards
  • Rolling nights at Latrobe University

Sea Trek

2003 Issue 47


Peter Provis - President

Peter Treby - Vice President

Mark Heggie – Secretary and Treasurer

Julian Smith – Membership Officer

Roger Ingram – Sea Trek Editor -

Les Bognar - Advertising

Peter Costello - Webmaster


  • Held at Portsea in 2004
  • Paul Caffyn – guest speaker
  • John Basemore becomes a life member
  • ‘Helicopter demonstration rescue by the Southern Peninsula Rescue Service’ at AGM


  • ‘Rolling classes go on at Frankston - thanks to Julian Smith, and Latrobe - thanks to Ian Jones’
  • Red Eye paddle run by Peter Costello meeting at Sandringham next to Hampton jetty. (First time Red Eye mentioned in Sea Trek ed.)
  • With the greater public access to the club via al magazine and website membership is up by 40% compared to the previous year
  • Sea instructor intake

Sea Trek

2004 Issue 48

2004 Issue 51


Peter Treby - President

Mark Heggie - Vice President

Secretary/treasurer - Les Bognar

Peter Costello - Membership Officer

Tina Rowley - Training Officer

John Woollard - Training Officer

Terry Barry - Training Officer

Peter Dingle - Safety officer

Julian Smith - Trips Officer and Technical Advisor

Peter Costello - Website Officer

Roger Ingram – Sea Trek Editor


Held at Portsea Camp


  • VSKC has developed its own internal training scheme…. the training committee has recently developed three levels of competencies for club members….  VSKC competency levels and training – Tina Rowley. John Woollard and Terry Barry
  • ‘New website courtesy of Craig Evans’
  • Port Phillip Bay circumnavigation - Multi day trip starting and ending at Williamstown beach over several weekends

Sea Trek

2005 Issue 52

2005 Issue 53

2005 Issue 54


Peter Treby - President

Les Bognar - Vice President

Phil and Jackie Woodhouse - Secretary and Treasurer

Raia Wall - Membership Officer

Tina Rowley - Training Officer

John Woollard - Training Officer

Terry Barry - Training Officer

Peter Dingle - Safety officer

Julian Smith - Trips Officer and Technical Advisor

Craig Evans - Webmaster

Peter Costello - Magazine production (coordinator)

Alan Wallace - Magazine production

Peter Dedrick - Magazine production


Held at Portsea


  • Planning underway for a plaque to be created and mounted on a pedestal honouring Paul Caffyn’s legendary solo circumnavigation around mainland Australia in 1982
  • ‘Cape Contourer's challenge’ by David Golightly. Describes a challenge to ‘bag’ all twenty-two capes on VSKC trips

Sea Trek

2006 issue 56


Les Bognar - President

Terry Barry - Vice President

Greg Gleason - Secretary

Bill Zombor - Treasurer

Raia Wall - Membership Office

Peter Treby - Training Officer

Tod Truscott - Training Officer

Phil Woodhouse - Training Officer

Geoff Brewster - Training Officer

Safety officer - Graham Williams

Terry Barry - Trips Advisor

Julian Smith - Technical Advisor

Craig Evans - Webmaster

Peter Costello - Magazine production (coordinator)

Alan Wallace - Magazine production

Peter Dedrick - Magazine production


Held at Merricks Lodge


Safe Sea kayaking brochure developed

Sea Trek

2007 issue 58


Les Bognar - President

Peter Costello - Vice President

Bill Zombor - Secretary

Greg Gleason - Treasurer

Andrew Campbell - Membership Officer

Phil Woodhouse - Training Manager

Julian Smith - Safety & Technical Officer and Technical Advisor

Raia Wall - Trip convenor

Richard Rawling - Webmaster and Communications

Sea Trek Production:

Andy McKie – Newsletter

Victoria McCaffrey - Annual

Alan Wallace - Layout


Held at Merricks Lodge

Over 100 members attended


  • Discussion of expanding assessor and instructor group and increasing number of Level 3 membership
  • Nigel Dennis Kayaks. He has had a key role in the establishment of training and accreditation standards in the UK. Nigel will be here for a ‘Show and Tell Night’ On 29 March.
  • ‘RAKE: Round Australia Kayak Expedition 25 years on’ by Phil Woodhouse. Article records the commemoration and celebration by the VSKC of the Round Australia Kayak Expedition by Paul Caffyn.
  • ‘We have commenced the development of a digestible document that outlines the clubs' principles of operation. The purpose…. to provide all club members with the simple reference point covering trip etiquette, our grading system, and the club’s obligation to its members.’ Les Bognar, President's report

Sea Trek

2008 Issue 60

2008 Issue 62


Peter Costello - President

Greg Gleason - Vice President

Bill Zombor- Secretary

Peter Sharp - Treasurer

Andrew Campbell - Membership Officer

Skills officers

Terry Barry – Skills Officer

Tony Miller – Skills Officer

Raia Wall – Trips Convenor

Neil Brenton – Trips Convenor

Craig Evans - Technical Advisor

Richard Rawling - IT Project Manager  

Sea Trek Production:

Tony Chick – Editor

Roger Taylor - Editor

Alan Wallace - Layout


Held at Anglesea

Speaker – Sandy Robson


Peter Costello - President

Derek Wilson - Vice President

Andrew Campbell - Secretary

Peter Sharp - Treasurer

Roger Davey - Membership Officer

Terry Barry - Skills Officer

Neil Brenton - Trip Convenor

Craig Evans - Webmaster

Richard Rawling - Technical Officer

Sea Trek Production:

Philip Dyer - Editor

Alan Wallace - Layout


Held at Anglesea

Speaker Terry Bolland


  • Robin Boundy takes over the running of the Canadian Bay paddle, taking over from Bill Robinson
  • Freya Hoffmeister welcomed by the VSKC at Queenscliff when she finished her circumnavigation Australia. 15 December 2009

Sea Trek

2010 – Issue 65


Terry Barry – President

Derek Wilson - Vice-President

David Golightly – Secretary

Peter Sharp – Treasurer

Rail Wall – Membership Officer

Neil Brenton – Trips Convenor

Robin Boundy – Major Projects

Peter Treby – Communications

John Evertze – Training

Bob Fergie – Sea Trek Editor

AGM and Blue Water Festival

Held at Phillip Island


  • Ginni Callahan (USA) and Axel Schoevers (Netherlands) present illustrated talk at Mordiallic and held ‘train the trainer’ day

Sea Trek

2011 Issue 68


Terry Barry – President

Grant Stewart – Vice President

David Golightly – Secretary

Adam Fritsch – Treasurer

Raia Wall – Membership Officer

Neil Brenton – Trips Convenor

Vojin Miladinov – Communications

Scott Reid – Major Projects

John Evertze – Training

Bob Fergie – SeaTrek Editor

AGM and Blue Water Festival

Held at Phillip Island


  • Greenland paddle experts Cheri Perry and Turner Wilson from the USA came out to speak and instruct.
  • Stuart Trueman spoke to club members about his history-making 16,000 km unsupported solo expedition around Australia over 18 months
  • Purchase of a large-screen Mac computer with professional desktop publishing software to produce Sea Trek.
  • The new version of the VSKC paddling competencies has been completed replacing the old blue VSKC log book system. Level 1, 2 & 3 competencies re-written with a clearer and more detailed explanation of the standards and conditions expected.
  • Wilderness First Aid course held

Sea Trek

2011 Issue 71

2012 Issue 73


Terry Barry – President

Grant Stewart - Vice-President

David Golightly – Secretary

Raia Wall – Treasurer

Raia Wall – Membership Officer

Neil Brenton – Trips Convenor and Major Projects

Vojin Miladinov – Communications

Robin Boundy – Training

Bob Fergie – Sea Trek Editor

AGM and Forum

  • Held at Camp Coolamaton, Banksia Peninsula Paynesville
  • Over 100 people attending
  • Special guest Eddie Safarik from the Queensland SKC
  • Life memberships awarded to Allan Bernardi, Peter Newman, Steve Weston and Paul Snelgrove


  • VSKC hosted international sea kayaking guru Nigel Foster in February 2013.
  • ‘Nigel Foster along with his wife Kristin Nelson spent two weeks with the VSKC in Melbourne. They presented at Mordialloc Yacht club covering their more recent adventures. During subsequent days they offered a range of paddling skill classes for members and instructors.’
  • 2013 Australian Sea Kayak Club’s Networking Summit’ at Snake Island
  • Guidelines for Life Membership… ratified by the committee and are available on the website. It is hoped that this will provide a clear pathway and guidance for any future nominations for this very special award.
  • Sandy Robson spoke about the latest leg of her remarkable journey retracing ‘Oskar Speck’. Over fifty members attended this presentation at the Mordialloc Sailing Club.
  • New set of Model Rules which will came into effect automatically on November 24th, 2013.

Sea Trek

2013 Issue 76

2013 Issue 77

21013 Issue 78


Bob Fergie - President

David Golightly - Vice President

Sue Mountford - Secretary

Greg Gleason - Treasurer

Richard Rawling - Membership Officer

Robin Boundy - Trips and Training

Vojin Miladinov - Communications

Helmut Heinze – Sea Trek Editor


  • Held at Camp Coolamaton, Banksia Peninsula, Paynesville
  • Guest speakers Scott Donaldson and Jason Beechcroft


252 members


  • Second National Sea Kayak Summit
  • Phil Klegg is from the UK and will be with us for a two-week period in late February 2014
  • Terry Barry The History, Methodology and Limitations of The VSKC Training. Article that describes some of the clubs training history.  Sea Trek 2014 Issue 81

Sea Trek

2013 Issue 78


Bob Fergie - President

David Golightly - Vice President

Sue Mountford - Secretary

Greg Gleason - Treasurer

Richard Rawling - Membership Officer

Brandon Stewart - Trips and Training Coordinator -

Helmut Heinze – Sea Trek Editor

Greg Skowronski - Communications Coordinator


Held at Cape Paterson

Keynote speakers Julian Smith and Rob Mercer


232 members


  • International Paddling Instructor Visit Nick Cunliffe’s visit and training sessions were well supported by the VSKC membership. Nick’s skill sessions were valued and were regarded as some of the highest-level international paddling instruction experienced by the VSKC to date.
  • The VSKC has purchased four VHF radios to improve pod communication and on water safety of member trips. Nine trip leaders were subsidised by VSKC to be trained and licensed to use the VHF radios this year.
  • Trybooking system used for administrative and financial transactions

Sea Trek

2014/15 Issue 82


Bob Fergie - President

Steve Collins - Vice President

Bronwyn Skowronski - Secretary

Mark Stewart - Treasurer

Richard Rawling – Membership Officer and Trips Coordinator

Brandon Stewart – Training Coordinator

Helmut Heinze – Sea Trek Editor

Greg Skowronski - Communications Coordinator


Held at Cape Patterson

David Golightly awarded Life Membership


  • New website built by Greg Skowronski
  • VSKC Facebook group created
  • Farewell ceremony for Mick MacRobb

Sea Trek

2016 Issue 88


Richard Rawling - President

Steve Collins - Vice President

Joe Alberico - Secretary

Mark Stewart - Treasurer

James Balnaves - Membership Coordinator

Pete Wilson - Training Coordinator

Steve Collins – Trips Coordinator

Ben Flora – Sea Trek Editor

Laureen Knight - Communications Coordinator

Sarah Black - Communications Coordinator


Held at Barwon Heads

Guest speaker Geoff Murray


  • Sandy Robson’s Germany to Australia by Kayak slide show and talk March 2017
  • Review of the club’s grading system
  • ‘Number of female paddlers outnumbered the males’ on a four-day paddle to East Snake Island over Easter with 24 paddlers.

Sea Trek

2017 Issue 89


Richard Rawling – President

Peter Newman - Vice President

Joe Alberico - Secretary

Ray Pilbrow - Treasurer

Kathryn Botherway - Membership Coordinator

Ron Morris - Trips Coordinator

Chantelle Mizzi - Communications Coordinator

Ben Flora - Sea Trek Editor


Held at Barwon Heads

Life Membership awarded to Terry Barry and Peter Costello


  • Club begins assessment using new grading model using Paddle Australia awards. Sea Skills, Intro to Sea Skills, Sea Leader, Sea Instructor.
  • Internal to VSKC, Sea Kayak Basics made a new member requirement.

Sea Trek

2018 Issue 92


Richard Rawling – President

Peter Newman - Vice President

Maggie McPherson - Secretary

Ray Pilbrow - Treasurer

Kate Alberico - Membership Coordinator

Andrew Mueller – Trips Coordinator

Penny Byron – Sea Trek Editor


Held at Barwon Heads

Guest speaker Shaan Gresser


206 Members


  • Introduction to Sea Skills and Sea Skills assessments

Sea Trek

2020 Issue 95


Kate Alberico - President

Peter Newman - Vice President

Maggie McPherson - Secretary

Ray Pilbrow - Treasurer

Evelyn Feller - Membership Coordinator

Ron Morris - Training and Safety Coordinator

Andrew Mueller - Trips Coordinator

Kathryn Botherway - Communications Coordinator

Penny Byron - Sea Trek Editor


Held via Zoom. No Blue Water Festival due to COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions on movement and gatherings


173 members

Male 72% and Female 28%


  • Early 2020 Paddle Australia assessments continue with Intro to Sea Skills, Sea Skills and Sea Leader certificates awarded
  • March 2020 onwards: Covid-19 pandemic.  Restrictions on movement and gathering numbers lead to cancelling paddling trips and social gatherings intermittently throughout 2020.
  • Committee meets via zoom conferencing
  • New website was launched on 15 November 2020
  • Updated trip guidelines published
  • ‘Vale Robin Boundy’   Club members share their memories of Robin Boundy
  • ‘Vale Steve Weston’ Paul Snelgrove remembers one of the club’s original members

Sea Trek

2020 Issue 95


Kate Alberico - President

Peter Newman - Vice President

Maggie McPherson - Secretary

Sue Mountford - Treasurer

Sue Collins - Membership Coordinator

Ron Morris - Training and Safety Coordinator

Andrew Mueller - Trips Coordinator

Kathryn Botherway - Communications Coordinator


Held via Zoom. No Blue Water Festival due to COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions on movement and gatherings.

Life membership awarded to Tina Evertze and John Evertze


197 Members


  • 2021 COVID impacts; 111 lockdown days and 5 km limitations to most members, lots of cancelled trips.
  • Ex gratia payments offered to members in previous and current year in recognition of limited club activities on offer.
  • On-line chats and presentations during the lockdown.


Kate Alberico - President

Peter Newman - Vice President

Robert Kenyon - Secretary

Sue Mountford - Treasurer

Sue Collins - Membership Coordinator

Ron Morris - Training and Safety Coordinator

Kathryn Botherway - Communications Coordinator

Denis Clare - Trips Coordinator

Glenn Wilkins - Sea Trek Editor


Held via Zoom

Blue Water Festival held at Barwon Heads


Glenn Wilkins - President

(Vacant) - Vice President

Robert Kenyon - Secretary

Len Davidson - Treasurer

Carmel Fraser - Membership Coordinator

Denis Clare - Trips Coordinator

Colin Christie - Sea Trek Editor

Post AGM casual appointments:

Carmel Fraser - Vice President

Cathy Zenkis - Communications Coordinator

Terry Mattingly - Training & Safety Coordinator

Richard Smithers - Membership Coordinator


Held via Zoom


207 members at Sept 30


  • Member Protection Policy introduced
  • Vale Steve Collins
  • Pizza at the Prom weekend event
  • Paddlefest at Merricks
  • A "Leader of the Most Trips" award introduced
  • Westernport paddles continued throughout the season
  • Multiple pool rolling events took place
  • Trip report: 188 paddle events and 35 training events
  • Operational expenses reviewed & reasonable cash reserves determined

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